„Schnuffer’s Journey Over the Rainbow” –
the children’s book from ANUBIS-Tierbestattungen, Pet Funeral Services
The final stage in the life of an old and frail pet often ends with a merciful trip to the veterinarian, after you’ve resolved to put an end to their suffering. We at ANUBIS know how emotionally fraught that can be, even for adults. Children, however, often have a hard time grasping the concept of a faithful companion’s death.
The aim of our children’s book “Schnuffer’s Journey Over the Rainbow” is to sensitively address the subject of such final farewells for the benefit of children. It is meant to help you prepare your children for the death of your pet.
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The book is available free of charge at your closest ANUBIS partner.
Please arrange for an appointment in advance so we’ll be ready to assist you.
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